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Super Power:  I'm able to break down the complex into simpler and more manageable parts. This can be taking apart complex movements into more manageable exercises, complicated training into simple explanations, and hard to form habits into actionable steps.


Background: I'm a student of physical culture and have been continuously and constantly training people of various abilities and ages since 2009. I've always had a hunger for more knowledge on how the body works - leading to learning from top coaches and therapists via many workshops, seminars, and certifications - and I've always enjoyed passing what I learn on to others. 

Beliefs: I believe we should always be improving in some way. This can be physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, and it all begins with your mindset. If you're not committed to becoming better, nothing that you're told, taught, or shown will matter. Once your mind is set to change, you must take action. All we need to do is be just a little better than yesterday.


As humans, we tend to compare and rate ourselves to pre-set standards and see if we fall at, above, or below, the average. We want, or hope, to be better than others. When in it comes to health and fitness, the sad truth is that the averages and a lot of the standards used are subpar to begin with.


And why would you be satisfied with feeling just "OK" when you could feel GREAT about yourself? 

I'm not satisfied with helping just a few people be better than the rest. I believe the whole average line can be raised to set a new standard. A standard where obesity, disease, and weakness are outliers. A standard where adults, at any age, can crawl, walk, jump, roll, sprint, lift, and carry objects without an afterthought. 

I hope the information and influence I spread will make you join and help this cause and Raise The Average



The interventions to change our bodies will fall under what I refer to as "Breathe" or "Burn."


When we are overwhelmed by work, family, relationships, and/or the environment, we get pushed into our sympathetic nervous system - fight, flight, or freeze system. This happens when we exercise too. If we remain in this state for prolonged periods of time, we become fatigued, lose motivation, and just have a harder time accomplishing much - it's like overdrawing a bank account. This is where applying breathing, mindset, and the correct movement techniques can do wonders. Calming our bodies back to a parasympathetic state - rest, recover, rebuild - will lead us to achieve better performance in all aspects of life.


Our main focus with physical training is to feed the body the type of stress we want it to adapt to without doing more harm. This revolves around training power - the number one attribute we lose as we age, strength - power's first cousin, and better coordinated, athletic movement.


Living longer isn't enough. Nobody wants to be OLD for many years. We want to feel YOUNG for most of our lives.

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