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Here's what some of my clients and students have said about their experience


Jamie M.

Rodrigo is an incredibly attentive and thoughtful trainer. I found my body feeling stronger, more stable, and healthier through our workouts. I really felt like he tailored our program towards me and accelerated the exercises based on my strength and my mobility. I really appreciate his focus on longevity and mobility in addition to strength and power. A trainer with Rodrigo’s enthusiasm, professionalism, and knowledge is almost impossible to find!

Michelle C.

Rodrigo cares about me and my goals. He's always on time, available, and focused on me during my sessions which are important. He's got a great personality and is easy to work with - he creates an atmosphere that I'm comfortable in, but one where he pushes me as well.  


Rodrigo's passion for fitness and overall health is seen by all. He's constantly looking to improve himself and that trickles down to me too. To me, he is very engaged at the gym - I always see his name on different events or classes. My weight has come down; my strength has increased, however, the best thing to happen to me while working with Rodrigo is not having pain in my knee. Early on working with him, I had a bad flare up in one of my knees. I contemplated quitting to 'rest' it and that's where Rodrigo jumped in. He changed our routine focusing on different areas that my physician said were being affected and slowly the pain went away. If someone is serious about changing their life - whether it is weight management, strength, etc. - I would absolutely recommend him as a trainer.

Bethami M.

Rodrigo is one of the best trainers I've ever had!  I had worked with Rodrigo for 3 years, and in that short time, I've learned so much more about my fitness, nutrition plan, and health.  He really cares about his clients, and really celebrates their successes.  He's incredibly motivating, and even with me being notoriously lazy, I have found myself preparing workouts and meal plans on my own!  I would never have known where to start, and wouldn't not have been nearly as motivated working out on my own!  He really tailors to the needs of all his clients too!

Jim B.

I first started working with Rodrigo for two issues: first, I had been looking at a second knee replacement, and wanted to see if there were alternatives; second, being a gentleman of a certain age, I was beginning to have issues with balance. Since I do curling, on ice of course, that was an issue.


The result? Fourteen months later, I am actually further from that knee replacement than I was a year or so ago, and the balance issues are in check. I firmly believe a lot of credit for these happy outcomes rests with Rodrigo. I'm an active guy, and although I'm another year into my seventies, I'm more comfortable with my body now than I was then, perhaps more comfortable and more active than I was some years before we began. That means I walk every round of golf I play, and my swing is more fluid than, virtually, ever.


He listens; he does research; he pushes hard; we have fun. He works on your breathing, on your balance, on helping you know your body. I just saw him this morning, and he taught me something I didn't know about the relationship between my thighs and that troublesome knee. I think he knows more now than he did when we started about how to help me: he learns, and applies that learning, and I benefit. If I haven't been clear enough yet, I'll just say that I have never worked with a better trainer or physical therapist: he's excellent.

Edwin J.

Started my fitness journey with Rodrigo about 3 years ago, first one on one and then in a group setting. He has been instrumental in helping me achieve my health and fitness goals. I told him my goal was primarily fitness and building my core and not necessarily bulking up and he tailored the sessions specifically to my needs. As someone who has never worked out consistently and consider myself somewhat uncoordinated, he has been patient yet has firmly pushed me beyond what I think I can do. He also encouraged me to improve my diet by suggesting healthier alternatives and checking in periodically to see how I was doing. He really cares, I would highly recommend him to anyone interested in improving health and fitness

Joe N.

Rodrigo's approach is to provide individualized training based on the particular needs, considerations and goals of the trainee.  Too often in the past I have had trainers to whom I clearly communicated my particular physical issues (primarily, my upper and lower back), but who promptly ignored my warnings and led me through exercises that made my problem worse.  Rodrigo takes the time to listen to his clients. For example, I am currently having some trouble with my right knee.  Rather than ignoring this, before he begins every session with me, he asks me about how the knee is feeling and whether I feel up to exercises that might involve it.   Along the same lines, not only does Rodrigo have an excellent knowledge of human anatomy and how all of the various muscle groups interrelate, but he also understands that every person is different and that exercises that may be helpful for one person may not be helpful (or may even be counterproductive) for another.


Next, I have a tendency to fall out of good form, but Rodrigo keeps a laser-like focus on me throughout each session to ensure that I am not only obtaining the maximum benefit from my work-out, but (and perhaps even more importantly to me) also not doing anything that could end up in an injury. While he doesn't yell at me like a drill sergeant, he nevertheless makes it very clear whenever I am falling out of form.


Third, Rodrigo seeks to understand each client's goals.  My initial goal was to get back in shape after suffering from a long bout of "frozen shoulder," which kept me from working out for months.  I feel that I have not just totally restored my core strength, but gone far beyond previous levels.  Now that my core is back in order, I am looking forward to working on other areas, particularly my arms and legs.


Finally, Rodrigo takes a holistic approach to health (without being preachy about it).  He continually reminds me to "eat my vegetables," and, since I don't like vegetables, his reminders are necessary.  He also has an interest in areas of anatomy (for example, the lymph system), that other trainers often do not show an interest in.


In sum, at age 63, I think that I am in better shape than I have been in the last twenty years, and I owe it to Rodrigo.

Loren G.

My goals were to be faster, stronger, bigger if it was just a byproduct. I wanted to accomplish this without needing an extensive recovery period so I could continue to play soccer and squash. 

I was very surprised and pleased with my results. I saw great gains in my deadlift and bench press. I think what I liked more are the unique stretches, agility movement, and body weight movements we do. All contribute to strengthening parts of my body I’d never otherwise work. This was all accomplished without a long recovery period. As much as I didn’t believe in it, it was a formula of just how much you need to do, and what you need to do. It’s impressive.

I’ve referred a few people to Rodrigo, and will continue to do so.

Callan C.

I'm definitely a do-it-yourself kind of person, especially when it comes to things that require me to spend money. My exercise regimen was no different: I considered myself in decent health, running and going to the gym when I could, and was at a good weight. One day I decided to take advantage of a free team workout at my gym...and it floored me. By the end, I was depleted and about to pass out. Rodrigo sat me down to make sure I was OK, giving me some almonds to restore my blood sugar. As we discussed my eating habits and work out style, I became more aware that I needed to step change how I cared for my health so that I could be the best me. Since then, Rodrigo has been a huge part of my health journey - 3 times per week, patiently working with me and challenging me to be better. He is an absolute professional, cares deeply for his clients and is passionate about what he does. I am consistently inspired by the model he sets and I highly recommend investing in yourself by partnering with Rodrigo.

Karen O.

I love working with Rodrigo!  Originally I signed up for a couple of sessions to get advice to reduce knee pain while running.  We started setting goals -- and 5+ months later, I have completed at 15k pain free and a sub 27 minute 5k -- placing 21st in my age division of 350+ participants!  Rodrigo has helped me understand the value of overall health and having a balanced approach.  Although I've been running since high school, he's taught me new exercises and I've found muscles I never knew I had!  I feel great and continue to improve every day thanks to his focus with me.

Andrew Q.

It's been about 6 months since my first session with Rodrigo. With the knowledge Rodrigo has given me I have a very strong foundation for my workouts. I go into the gym with a set plan of how I'm going to work out and how to advance my strengthening goals. 


My initial goal was to become stronger and Rodrigo trained me and gave me a plan tailored to the number of times I work out, how long for, and the overall goal [strength]. When I started I could only perform a 135 lb deadlift. Given a consistent plan and following through I am now deadlifting 305 lbs [2.26 times my body weight] which has been my biggest achievement yet. I am also squatting 1.6 times my body weight. I have blown past all of the goals I had as a beginner and each week I am excited to set new goals for myself. 


Even though I don't have sessions booked, Rodrigo has been extremely helpful. When he isn't busy with other clients he always has time to ask me about my workouts and give advice. Even if it is just for a few minutes - it has been vital for my progress. He is a great listener and has helped me break past certain plateaus, setting challenges so that my workouts are always fresh, and even just ensuring my form is correct. 


It is very encouraging to know that Rodrigo has a proactive and personal interest in his clients because it shows how passionate he is about his work. I can sense that my success is also his success.

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